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Đang truy cập: 23

Tổng truy cập: 27505736

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Thinner # R-21 Bookmark and Share

Packing/ Price:

Special Features:

Is used for cosmetic repairs to concrete surfaces, precast concrete panels, brick and block works etc.


It  is  blend  of  slow  evaporated  solvent  to  promote  good  leveling, eliminate  brush  marks  and  bring out  the  maximum  gloss  level  of  the  gloss  alkyd enamel  and  varnish.

TOA Thinner # R-21 will  penetrate  deep  to  the  substrate.  And  thus  promote  better  adhesion  for the  whole  paint  system.

Typical Uses

It  is  specially  formulated  for  diluting  the  alkyd type paint such as gloss  or  flat  enamel, varnish, undercoat, anti- corrosive  primers,  aluminium  paint,  etc.                                                                       


Physical Properties

Type                 Aliphatic white spirit

Color                Clear

Specific Gravity                        0.77-0.78


Application System

Approximately  10 - 20 % by  volume  of  TOA  Enamel  Thinner  is  required  for  diluting  Alkyd Paint Enamel. For diluting another type of product,  please refer  to  the  recommendation  on  packaging  of  the  specific  product  concerned.


This information in this data sheet is given to the best of our knowledge based on laboratory testing and practical experience. However,as the product is often used under condition beyond our control,we cannot guarantee anything only the quality of the product itself. We reserve the right to change the given data without notice.

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Giá bán : 340.000