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Đang truy cập: 21

Tổng truy cập: 27493691

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Toa Nanoshield Exterior 5L Bookmark and Share


Packing/ Price:

5L: 550.000 vnd

Special Features:

*Nano  Water proof ..attack water can not prenetrate in to paint film .

*Nano Self-Cleaning : Repellent to Stain ,Water and oil . Paint film always look

clean and new.


Waterprooof ,Stain resistance, Durable against harsh weather

The latest innovative 100% Acrylic emulsion super Premium grade paint

with Hybrid Nano technology from Germany provide excellent and long lasting

surface protection .With Shield technology from TOA paint plus an extra features

with Hybrid technology of two Nano materials between Nano Silicone and Nano

Fluorocabon, also chemical bonding of Nano Molecule ( 1/billion of metre),

it brings high effective of .-.

*Nano  Water proof ..attack water can not prenetrate in to paint film .

*Nano Self-Cleaning : Repellent to Stain ,Water and oil . Paint film always look

clean and new.

*Nano Guard :  Paint film not peeling out . Durable in any harsh weather


*Nano Shield :Superior UV ,Mold and Fungus resistance . Paint film color is not

fade, always beautiful as new.

*Nano washable :High washability and scrub resistance

TOA NanoShield is Super premium grade for exterior and interior provides

excellent waterproof and long lasting surface from hash weather.


Typical Uses

For cement, concrete, brick, tile surface. Can be applied for both exterior and

interior where protection from harsh weather ,dirty stain is needed.


Physical Properties

Type  Acrylic Binder

Component :

Acrylic Binder,Pigment: 72% approximately

Water: 20% approximately

Additive: 8% approximately


Color  According to catalog

Finishing  Sheen,High Sheen

Theorectical Coverage  11-13 m2/litre/coat approx.

Touch Dry  30 mins   Hard Dry  2 hrs


Film Performance Application Method

Tools  Brush,Spray,Roller

Thinner Clean water


Thinning Ratio

Brush 5%

Roller 10%

Spray 10-20%

(Depend on application)

Clean equipment with water immediately after use


Typical recommended Paint System

Application System

Surface Preparation

New Surface : Let the surface completely dry in 1 month

Old Surface : Clean the surface (not use the metal brush)

Ensure the surface to be painted is clean, dry, free from dirt ,oil or other

contamination.Must remove all  loose or defective paint or powdery residue

and fungus or algae. Smooth the surface by 2 coats of the premium

TOA Pro Putty.Prime 1 coat of TOA Nanoshield Exterior Primer.

Then Topcoat with 2 coats of TOA NanoShield premium grade emulsion

paint for exterior.

Precaution :

1.Keep away from children and avoid contact with eyes.

2.Stir well before use and once opened, entire contents should be used.

Store in a cool ,shaded place.

3.Allow new surface to dry out around  21 -28 days in normal condition

before painting.

4. Ensure correct primer and/or sealer is used  and allow putty  to

thoroughly harden before painting

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